
Job Update

The job opportunity that sounded so good was obviously not God's plan for me. And that's okay. The position has been filled, and I'm not sure of any of the details. I just know that God didn't want me to have that job. I'm really learning to trust that God is in control and that He will provide. Please join me in praying that He opens another door.


I told you the next update would come sooner than the last.

So, I just remembered this great story from kindergarten. And I'm afraid I will forget about it before I update again. So, here it is:

Each week, we learn about a new letter. Last week's letter was "f". We talk about and practice writing the letter every day, and on Friday we play the sound game, where the students stand in a line and take turns saying words that begin with the letter. The "f" sound game proved to be the funniest I have witnessed yet.

When it came time for this super cute little guy's turn, we asked him for an "f" word, and he said "frow up" (a common mistake). We told him that it is really "throw up" and he quickly said, "Well, I can't think of the Spanish word for it anyway." Huh? We had no idea what he was talking about, so we asked him to think of another "f" word. He did, and then went to the back of the line.

When his next turn rolled around, his "f" word was "fart". We told him that word was not very nice, and that he shouldn't say that at school. This little guy was so quick on his feet that he said without hesitation, and in all sincerity, "Well, it's just Spanish for frow up!"

I totally lost it. I couldn't do anything because I was laughing so hard. And this, my friends, is one of the many reasons that I love children!

P.S.---Sometimes you just need to cry

So, Justin and I just watched P.S. I Love You. And, I cried. A lot. It was a wonderful movie... quite the tear jerker. I can't stand to think about what I would do if I found myself in that situation...

That's enough of the sad stuff. An update on the job hunt: I will hopefully be interviewing in the next few weeks, so keep praying! I know that God is in control no matter what, and His plans are best. I have some great opportunities coming up, and I am so thankful to be in this place in my life. (Thanks for reminding me, Jenn!)

A short update is better than no update, right? Hopefully I will be able to update again very soon. And, I'll continue the countdowns then, too.


Just keep praying

I know that my friends and family have been praying about my job situation, and I am so thankful! I got some encouraging news this week, and I am pumped! God is so good to have blessed me with friends who are keeping an eye out on the job market for me (thanks Marie, Jenn, and Laura!) and superiors who are more than willing to do what they can to help me. I don't know why God chose to bless me in these ways, and it is overwhelming to see all that has happened in just a few short days. So, again, thanks for the prayers. And just keep praying! Just pray that God's will is done, and that I can accept that it is for the best. Hopefully I will have an update to share within the next several weeks.

Now for something much less serious: Macie is a hit with the kids at school! She came to school for Halloween yesterday in her bumblebee costume, and the kids absolutely loved it! I was nervous about how she would react to so many people, but she was fantastic. The kids asked me all day when she could come back. The fifth grade girls also asked when Justin would be back.... it was too funny! They thought he was SO cute, and it really embarrassed him! :) He was such a good sport, though. I am so thankful that he is my husband and that he loves me like he does. I don't deserve it.

Finally, I am going to start a few countdowns because my favorite time of the year is quickly approaching!

Thanksgiving: 26 days
Graduation (!): 49 days
Christmas: 54 days..... Wal-Mart was playing Christmas music this morning, and I LOVED it!
