
"And you will succeed!"

Dr. Seuss was right!

Workout Progress:

Day 1: walked more than I ran, but completed 1/2 mile
walked 3+ miles with a friend!
Day 2: still more walking than running, but completed 1/2 mile
walked 2 miles with a friend after church
Day 3: ran more than walked (!!!) and completed 1/2 mile

WOOHOO! I can't believe the progress in running just 3 mornings!


DVD Review: Read and Share: The Jesus Series, Life and Miracles

I loved this children's animated DVD! I'm a sucker for cartoons anyway, so this was right up my alley! The animation is okay, but the narration and events included are phenomenal! It's so refreshing to see quality, depth, and Biblical accuracy in programming for children. This DVD has it all.

The 30-minute program included some of the miracles that Jesus performed in his earthly ministry. Some were well-known, like walking on water and feeding 5,000. Others were not as well-known, but still as important as any other. One of the most endearing events was about Jesus calling his plain, ordinary disciples away from their daily lives and into his ministry.

This DVD would be very educational for any child, but children over 8 or 9 may not like the graphics. It seems very plain and video game-ish. However, the content cannot be beat.

I would be glad to recommend this DVD to anyone who has or works with children!

"Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Let's Get Physical!

It's no secret that my life has been crazy busy lately. It's also no secret that I have neglected exercising... the (gross) changes in my body definitely give that one away. Instead of continuously complaining about it, I have finally decided to step up and take some action! (And I'm hoping that blogging about it will help keep me accountable. We'll see!)

Here's the plan:
Monday-Friday mornings: walk/run at least 1/2 mile
At least 3 times weekly: walk 2-3 miles
Drink way more water
Eat less junk food

Now, I know this sounds simple and a bit ridiculous, but I have been doing NOTHING since we moved to TN over a year ago! And, I'm definitely not a runner. So far, I have completed two days of this plan, and I am so sore! I feel better and Justin's proud of me, so that's really been helpful. And looking at the number on the scales has been very motivating. And disgusting. But mostly motivating.

So, friends, it's time to get physical!