

Yesterday, I returned home from the Big Apple :) I had such a great time with Mom and Steph (and Ashley C.)! I can't wait to go back to the city.... 3 days just isn't enough time to see everything!

My most favorite part of the city by far was the subway! If it was possible, I would bring the subway to Rogersville. Just thinking about that makes me giggle :)

My other favorites include:
*the ballet (beautiful!)
*the ferry (we got to sit down!)
*the Disney store (magical!)
*the Cake Boss Cafe (yum!)

I am so glad I had the opportunity to go to NYC, and I can't wait to go again (and take Justin with me!)

PS--- Happy 5th anniversary to my sweet husband! Love you even more now than I did 5 years ago!


Mercy and Grace in Sorrow

This week, one of my dear friends lost her mother. As heartbreaking as this has been for me, I cannot even begin to imagine how hard it has been for her and her family.

Looking back, God's grace and mercy is clearly evident. In simple things like her passing occurring just after Mother's Day and not at this time last week. And in other things like her being able to witness the baptism of her son-in-law and grandchildren. There are so many other ways that God prepared the way for her.

I have been so blessed to see God's provision (and sovereignty) at work in the past few days. Though my heart aches for this sweet family, I am grateful for the reminder that God is still in complete control and He wasn't taken by surprise at all by the week's events.

Please join me in praying that this family is soon able to see this grace and mercy in the midst of their sorrow.


The hardest part of teaching...

isn't what I thought it would be. I don't mind all the planning. I don't mind all the hours I have spent with scissors, laminate, and paper. I don't even mind all the paperwork that seems to fill up my desk on a daily basis.

What I do mind is having to send my kids home at the end of the day. I love my students like they are my own (or at least how I think I will love my own). And I want the best for them. Which sometimes means I don't want them to go home. Today was one of those days. After hearing about home situations from a few of my students, I was literally nauseated. I gave the best guidance and direction that I knew to give, and then I prayed over and over again that God wouldn't let them grow up to do what they have seen in their short 5-6 years of life.

If I could take each of my kids home with me at the end of each day, I would do it in a heartbeat. But that's not my right or responsibility. My job is to teach them. My job is to show them how to behave. My job is to love them.

And that's what I'm going to do.


What's New

Life has obviously been crazy busy. And I've obviously been crazy lazy. Or just crazy. You decide :)

Sparing all the painfully boring details, here's a basic summary:

Work: School rocks! I have played with 10 sweet kiddos all year, and they have all learned so much! Nothing beats that :)

Church: We have seen definite growth and fruit in the lives of some of our students. One in particular has been such a blessing to us recently. Praise God!

Home: Justin and I will be celebrating 5 years of marriage in June---- where did the time go?! Macie is now a much calmer 3 year old, and Sheldon is a giant, goofy 1 year old. Oh, and I just got a new car a few weeks ago! Hello, cruise control! :)

Family: Mom is back home in KY! Basically, it's a long story that ends with me getting to see Mom more often, which I love! My sister is headed to New York City for the summer to work as a missionary with Campus Crusade for Christ. I couldn't be prouder of her! We have been so blessed :)

Friends: So many friends from throughout my life have been going through some life changing times lately. I have been blessed to be a part of birth days, birthdays, supporting missionary friends, and supporting missionary family members. It is such a privilege to see the Lord's hand in the lives of those I love!

That's about as good as the summary gets for today. And here's to hoping I get a little less lazy....