
What I've Been Learning

The Lord has been using all kinds of means to teach me about His love and purpose for me:

Dr. Dean Haun's sermon---God loves ME. Not just the world. Not just His Son. ME, too!

Persia Baptist Women's Conference---God has given me the role of wife (and hopefully, one day, mother). This means I have the amazing opportunity to further the gospel through loving my husband (with a phileo=passionate, enjoyment, affectionate kind of love), working in my home to keep it presentable and open to whoever will come, and mentoring/discipling and being mentored/discipled by other women. What a gift! This revelation came through Carolyn Mahaney's book Feminine Appeal, based on Titus 2:3-5. Read it; it's worthwhile! Oh, and the purpose for all of this is "that the Word of God may not be reviled." (Titus 2:5) Pretty weighty.

School---Praising the Lord for my job teaching kindergarten, and realizing that I have a much bigger and more important job than just teaching academic content to these five-year-olds, I must be a teacher with a purpose, God's purpose, of demonstrating His love for them. Even if I can't come right out and tell them, I can show them. Over and over and over again. Every day.

Sidenote: I'm so thankful that the Lord knows and plans for what is best for us! Kindergarten is what I DID NOT want to teach, but God knew what was good! Thank you, God, for having plans other than the ones I had for myself :)

God is so good! I keep learning this is new ways. I am so blessed!

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