

I finished my fifth grade student teaching placement, and I hated to say goodbye to those fantastic kids. Now, I'm in kindergarten with the little kids, and it's going well. I'll have some updates later, as well as a few pictures of Macie in her new Halloween costume. Just letting you know that I haven't dropped off the face of the planet just yet....


amandabolin said...

:) I happen to love that you are in Kindergarten now :) Keep a journal of all the funny things they say and do....you'll love it later. I have at least one story every day... :)

Praying for you :)

Oh yes, if you want, you can drop those books off at my grandparents house and my mom will pay to have them shipped. She's got some books as well and if they are sent together in the flat rate box-it will be MUCH cheaper. :) If that is okay with you guys? Thank you so much. These people will really treasure the things you are sending.

amandabolin said...

i'm a bit behind b/c we had report cards due last week and the conferences two days last week! And-I can't figure out which child to give you?! I know you guys will be prayer warriors for this child and that is why the decision is so difficult! This is so hard!
I'll just have to choose soon :)

Love you all,

ps. my g-parents live across the street from robin and steve whitaker at 1043 heathcliff drive. my mom is coming up there this week to see her and to get a couple of things. let me know how i can help this... <><